Tuesday, June 24, 2008

At last...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!! I love you!

Alright... so things have been interesting. Not a lot of conventional "missionary" events that you all might think of... not a lot that I actually thought I was going to be doing. I haven't been holding any more orphans, scrubbing any walls or anything like that. I have, however, been spending a lot of time with Sergey, his family and Yana. Who's to say that investing in those connections aren't just as important, right? That is what I've been struggling with. Most anyone who knows me knows that I like to push things to their limits. SO, since I have been given to the opportunity to go across the world, naturally I feel inclined to pack my schedule with hard labor in unconventional places. Instead, I have been taken care of and shuffled around the city. I'm finally getting over my own pride in this trip and accepting that there is more to it that any expectation I had.

It has been some fun filled days here in Kharkiv. I have been to the zoo -or what they think is a zoo :) - walked around downtown, went to a graduation, went to church, photoshoot, bible study... yadda yadda :)

Crazy thing happened today. The day started out sunny with just a few clouds in the sky.... then all hell broke loose. The hail fell from the sky as if God were laying out a sheet of ice on the ground. It rained long and hard, both in solid and liquid form. After 20 minutes... it was over and sunny again. During the storm, the power was knocked out and it was literally like living in the 1800s :) SOOOOOOOO good.

This was a very scattered blog. Know that I love you all and that I wish that I could update you with many MEANINGFUL ADVENTURES!! Its just that a lot of what has been going on is internal for a number of us. God is still moving in ways that I will explain later on. Continue to pray.. I need it.

-With love that knows no distance,

Attached are pictures from my photoshoot with sergey and his photographer friend. It is in an abandoned building where people actually are living. Beds were made, shoes were laid out and toothbrushes lay in the rubble. ALSO, there are pictures from the "zoo" and from today's freak storm/family that I'm living with (minus babushka).


Debbie said...

FINALLY:) I love the pictures! I didn't know I had triplets! What building is it that you are on the steps? Tommy, everyday does not have to be "earth shatteringly spiritual......God works in "little, subtle" ways too. Relationships are very important! When, exactly do you leave for Hope Center? I love you and think and pray for you constantly!
With love that knows no limits or distance,

Shae'Von said...

Yeah for pictures, it looks like your having a great time. I miss you tons, but i know that the plans God has made for you; exceed any summer fun we could have planned. keep investing in the family and those around you, its the best type of minstry there is, your life is a ministry

Consumed Hands said...

great pics my brother. i am glad that you are be wiling to be open to what this trip has to offer to you. you dont need broken walls to fix, hearts to mend, to show that you are a belieever and follower of God. he has given you life, given you a story, showered you with love. Be a mirror and continually reflect this to all those around you. use that which is in you to bless others. I pray God provides you with opportunities to do this. Dont let language be a barrier, dont forget the power of a smile to those you dont know, a hug, a high five, a little dance. Do it brother man.
